This Tag Heuer Jacket was worn by the well known and the universally adored Steve McQueen in his great motion picture Le Mans, this tag Heuer leather jacket is the universally adored even today. The motion picture spun around a renowned race which endured up to 24 hours and kept everybody snared all through the film.
The workers and designers at AplusLeather recreated the similar Leather jacket worn by Steve McQueen in white color since huge numbers of our clients asked for one in neat exemplary dark shading. Made with pure genuine and light weight leather, we present you this gem which gave birth to many new trends in the fashion industry.
The infamous blockbuster Le Mans poster as yet emblazoned in our mind in which Steve McQueen is seen wearing a white leather Jacket. The well known coat had blue and red stripes on one side which started many form inclines in the business.
We have reproduced precisely the same as worn by Steve McQueen with a Tag Heuer logo weaved on the chest. The coat is said to be outlined by the acclaimed mark Tag Heuer jacket, and this coat will most likely make you feel significantly more luxurious and stylish. You can buy this jacket now from our website in your size.